Description: Open groups provide space for visitors, new members, and guests to be welcomed into the life of the church. These groups are highly evangelistic, often praying over the “empty chairs” and for those who will one day fill them. There is no restriction to how many people can join an open group, though some churches do “close” groups once they have reached about ten to fifteen members. Once they reach about fifteen members, open groups are encouraged to multiply to make more space for prospective members.
Is this for my church?
Open groups are a great solution for a variety of issues in a small group ministry. If your church is growing faster than you can create new groups, open groups can make a place for everyone. If you church feels insular and you want members to focus outward, open groups can inspire evangelism and outreach. If the non-Christians in your community are unlikely to visit your church, open groups provide a low-commitment, accessible “front door” for them to encounter Christ.
Description: Closed small groups are made up of a limited number of individuals (typically around eight to twelve) who focus on building deep friendship, trust, and accountability with one another. As a result, closed groups tend to create communities of honesty, trust, and meaningful care.
Is this for my church?
Closed small groups provide powerful solutions to the problems of disconnection and surface-level discipleship. Churches looking to create a deeply-rooted, committed community would benefit from this model. Even churches in transient communities—like military bases or college towns—can greatly benefit from closed groups. Though members will only be in your church for a short time, they were fully known and cared for while in your congregation.
Description: Cell groups move the life of the church from a church building and into smaller units of five to fifteen people. While all the cells operate under centralized leadership and gather for corporate worship, each cell functions like a microcosm of the larger church spending their time in worship, edification, personal discipleship, and evangelism. As a result, some cell groups are mistaken for house churches. Just like biological cells, cell groups grow and multiply organically, transferring church DNA from group to group.
Is this for my church?
Cell groups are a good solution for churches looking to shift from a small group program to a communal rhythm of life. Every member is charged with embodying the life and mission of the church, encouraging growth much like we see in new church plants. Because cell groups often function as decentralized churches, they can be a huge benefit to congregations in post-Christian cultures.
Description: House churches are similar to cell groups in that the small group is the basic unit of the church. However, house churches move one step further, making each cell an independent church. While some house churches may organize under common elders and gather for corporate worship, the pastoral responsibilities all fall to the house church leader. As a result, the larger church often functions as more of a network than a singular body.
Is this for my church?
In cities and situations where the cost of buildings, staff, and events are too high for a church, it may make sense to employ this model. Rather than building a centralized organization, elders can focus on coaching and supporting pastors as they lead and multiply churches. House churches have also proven to be an effective means of evangelism and church growth in post-Christian contexts.
Description: Open groups provide space for visitors, new members, and guests to be welcomed into the life of the church. These groups are highly evangelistic, often praying over the “empty chairs” and for those who will one day fill them. There is no restriction to how many people can join an open group, though some churches do “close” groups once they have reached about ten to fifteen members. Once they reach about fifteen members, open groups are encouraged to multiply to make more space for prospective members.
Is this for my church?
Open groups are a great solution for a variety of issues in a small group ministry. If your church is growing faster than you can create new groups, open groups can make a place for everyone. If you church feels insular and you want members to focus outward, open groups can inspire evangelism and outreach. If the non-Christians in your community are unlikely to visit your church, open groups provide a low-commitment, accessible “front door” for them to encounter Christ.
Description: Open groups provide space for visitors, new members, and guests to be welcomed into the life of the church. These groups are highly evangelistic, often praying over the “empty chairs” and for those who will one day fill them. There is no restriction to how many people can join an open group, though some churches do “close” groups once they have reached about ten to fifteen members. Once they reach about fifteen members, open groups are encouraged to multiply to make more space for prospective members.
Is this for my church?
Open groups are a great solution for a variety of issues in a small group ministry. If your church is growing faster than you can create new groups, open groups can make a place for everyone. If you church feels insular and you want members to focus outward, open groups can inspire evangelism and outreach. If the non-Christians in your community are unlikely to visit your church, open groups provide a low-commitment, accessible “front door” for them to encounter Christ.
Description: Closed small groups are made up of a limited number of individuals (typically around eight to twelve) who focus on building deep friendship, trust, and accountability with one another. As a result, closed groups tend to create communities of honesty, trust, and meaningful care.
Is this for my church?
Closed small groups provide powerful solutions to the problems of disconnection and surface-level discipleship. Churches looking to create a deeply-rooted, committed community would benefit from this model. Even churches in transient communities—like military bases or college towns—can greatly benefit from closed groups. Though members will only be in your church for a short time, they were fully known and cared for while in your congregation.
Description: Cell groups move the life of the church from a church building and into smaller units of five to fifteen people. While all the cells operate under centralized leadership and gather for corporate worship, each cell functions like a microcosm of the larger church spending their time in worship, edification, personal discipleship, and evangelism. As a result, some cell groups are mistaken for house churches. Just like biological cells, cell groups grow and multiply organically, transferring church DNA from group to group.
Is this for my church?
Cell groups are a good solution for churches looking to shift from a small group program to a communal rhythm of life. Every member is charged with embodying the life and mission of the church, encouraging growth much like we see in new church plants. Because cell groups often function as decentralized churches, they can be a huge benefit to congregations in post-Christian cultures.
Description: House churches are similar to cell groups in that the small group is the basic unit of the church. However, house churches move one step further, making each cell an independent church. While some house churches may organize under common elders and gather for corporate worship, the pastoral responsibilities all fall to the house church leader. As a result, the larger church often functions as more of a network than a singular body.
Is this for my church?
In cities and situations where the cost of buildings, staff, and events are too high for a church, it may make sense to employ this model. Rather than building a centralized organization, elders can focus on coaching and supporting pastors as they lead and multiply churches. House churches have also proven to be an effective means of evangelism and church growth in post-Christian contexts.
Description: Affinity groups are transformative, turning simple interest groups into spiritual communities. Rather than being organized around life stage or location, affinity groups assume that people prefer choice when it comes to community. Members can connect with groups based on interests or hobbies and build relationships with those who share their affinities. Groups grow and shrink depending on interest, allowing for flexibility and creativity in group creation.
Is this for my church?
Affinity groups are an excellent option for churches who aren’t looking for small groups to be their primary method of discipleship but want to increase the connection within their church. If done with intentionality, affinity groups can give members a vision for how their gifts can build the church and contribute to God’s kingdom work.
Description: Neighborhood groups are built on the idea that the strongest community is built through sharing ordinary life with others in close proximity. By forming groups based around geography, this model makes it easy for group members to spend spontaneous time together outside of the formal group time. In addition, neighborhood groups focus a group’s outreach to their locale and galvanize them to meet those needs alongside their neighbors.
Is this for my church?
If many of your members commute to church and find it difficult to connect with other members, if you want to help your members to take more responsibility for outreach to their spheres of influence, or if you want to foster casual and spontaneous Christian community, this model may be right for you. When your members understand the heart behind this model, it can be an exciting way to foster community.
Description: Missional groups intentionally focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. Each group is strategically placed to reach and love the lost by evangelizing a specific group of people or to serving a particular need in their community. The goal of each individual group can either be decided by the group or dictated by the church to fulfill its mission and vision.
Is this for my church?
If you are in a largely non-Christian context, missional groups are a great way to demonstrate the love of Christ to your community. Maybe your church wants to serve and build relationships with local refugee or immigrant populations. Maybe you want to prioritize evangelism to spread the gospel across your city. Maybe the youth in your city need Christian role models, options for after-school care, and tutoring. Your groups can meet the spiritual and physical needs of your community.
Description: Sunday classes or Sunday school is a traditional model of groups that primarily focus on teaching or Bible study. Groups meet on Sunday before or after the Sunday service on the church campus to walk through books of the Bible, topical studies, or life-stage-specific content. Classes can vary in length but typically last a semester or year. Churches that use this model either divide the congregation into classes by life stage or offer a catalog of classes and allow members to pick their Sunday class.
Is this for my church?
If you want to increase the biblical and theological literacy of your congregation and make meeting together easy, Sunday classes can be an excellent model to adopt. Since your congregation has already blocked off Sunday mornings for church, you can also use that time and meeting space to help your people grow in wisdom and knowledge of God.
Description: Open groups provide space for visitors, new members, and guests to be welcomed into the life of the church. These groups are highly evangelistic, often praying over the “empty chairs” and for those who will one day fill them. There is no restriction to how many people can join an open group, though some churches do “close” groups once they have reached about ten to fifteen members. Once they reach about fifteen members, open groups are encouraged to multiply to make more space for prospective members.
Is this for my church?
Open groups are a great solution for a variety of issues in a small group ministry. If your church is growing faster than you can create new groups, open groups can make a place for everyone. If you church feels insular and you want members to focus outward, open groups can inspire evangelism and outreach. If the non-Christians in your community are unlikely to visit your church, open groups provide a low-commitment, accessible “front door” for them to encounter Christ.
Description: Closed small groups are made up of a limited number of individuals (typically around eight to twelve) who focus on building deep friendship, trust, and accountability with one another. As a result, closed groups tend to create communities of honesty, trust, and meaningful care.
Is this for my church?
Closed small groups provide powerful solutions to the problems of disconnection and surface-level discipleship. Churches looking to create a deeply-rooted, committed community would benefit from this model. Even churches in transient communities—like military bases or college towns—can greatly benefit from closed groups. Though members will only be in your church for a short time, they were fully known and cared for while in your congregation.
Description: Cell groups move the life of the church from a church building and into smaller units of five to fifteen people. While all the cells operate under centralized leadership and gather for corporate worship, each cell functions like a microcosm of the larger church spending their time in worship, edification, personal discipleship, and evangelism. As a result, some cell groups are mistaken for house churches. Just like biological cells, cell groups grow and multiply organically, transferring church DNA from group to group.
Is this for my church?
Cell groups are a good solution for churches looking to shift from a small group program to a communal rhythm of life. Every member is charged with embodying the life and mission of the church, encouraging growth much like we see in new church plants. Because cell groups often function as decentralized churches, they can be a huge benefit to congregations in post-Christian cultures.
Description: House churches are similar to cell groups in that the small group is the basic unit of the church. However, house churches move one step further, making each cell an independent church. While some house churches may organize under common elders and gather for corporate worship, the pastoral responsibilities all fall to the house church leader. As a result, the larger church often functions as more of a network than a singular body.
Is this for my church?
In cities and situations where the cost of buildings, staff, and events are too high for a church, it may make sense to employ this model. Rather than building a centralized organization, elders can focus on coaching and supporting pastors as they lead and multiply churches. House churches have also proven to be an effective means of evangelism and church growth in post-Christian contexts.
Description: Affinity groups are transformative, turning simple interest groups into spiritual communities. Rather than being organized around life stage or location, affinity groups assume that people prefer choice when it comes to community. Members can connect with groups based on interests or hobbies and build relationships with those who share their affinities. Groups grow and shrink depending on interest, allowing for flexibility and creativity in group creation.
Is this for my church?
Affinity groups are an excellent option for churches who aren’t looking for small groups to be their primary method of discipleship but want to increase the connection within their church. If done with intentionality, affinity groups can give members a vision for how their gifts can build the church and contribute to God’s kingdom work.
Description: Neighborhood groups are built on the idea that the strongest community is built through sharing ordinary life with others in close proximity. By forming groups based around geography, this model makes it easy for group members to spend spontaneous time together outside of the formal group time. In addition, neighborhood groups focus a group’s outreach to their locale and galvanize them to meet those needs alongside their neighbors.
Is this for my church?
If many of your members commute to church and find it difficult to connect with other members, if you want to help your members to take more responsibility for outreach to their spheres of influence, or if you want to foster casual and spontaneous Christian community, this model may be right for you. When your members understand the heart behind this model, it can be an exciting way to foster community.
Description: Missional groups intentionally focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. Each group is strategically placed to reach and love the lost by evangelizing a specific group of people or to serving a particular need in their community. The goal of each individual group can either be decided by the group or dictated by the church to fulfill its mission and vision.
Is this for my church?
If you are in a largely non-Christian context, missional groups are a great way to demonstrate the love of Christ to your community. Maybe your church wants to serve and build relationships with local refugee or immigrant populations. Maybe you want to prioritize evangelism to spread the gospel across your city. Maybe the youth in your city need Christian role models, options for after-school care, and tutoring. Your groups can meet the spiritual and physical needs of your community.
Description: Sunday classes or Sunday school is a traditional model of groups that primarily focus on teaching or Bible study. Groups meet on Sunday before or after the Sunday service on the church campus to walk through books of the Bible, topical studies, or life-stage-specific content. Classes can vary in length but typically last a semester or year. Churches that use this model either divide the congregation into classes by life stage or offer a catalog of classes and allow members to pick their Sunday class.
Is this for my church?
If you want to increase the biblical and theological literacy of your congregation and make meeting together easy, Sunday classes can be an excellent model to adopt. Since your congregation has already blocked off Sunday mornings for church, you can also use that time and meeting space to help your people grow in wisdom and knowledge of God.
Description: Table discussions are a more informal, welcoming model for groups. Typically, this model works in tandem with church events—men’s or women’s Bible studies, a lunch for young mothers, etc.—where a large group listens to a teacher, then divides into tables where a leader facilitates conversation. Tables can be assigned or open, making this model a good “front door” to the church.
Is this for my church?
If you are looking for an easy way to introduce your church to small groups or simply want to integrate small groups into your existing ministry events, table discussion is an excellent model to adopt. Splitting large groups into tables will help your members build friendships and have spiritual conversations with others.
Description: Host groups are primarily defined by the way they are led. Hosts are not responsible for the spiritual development of their group. Rather, a host simply facilitates the group meeting by providing a meeting space and working through predetermined curriculum. Some churches will work to train hosts into spiritual leaders of their groups, but leadership ability is not as important as willingness when it comes to finding hosts.
Is this for my church?
Many growing churches find that they cannot start groups fast enough. The host group model can allow your church to expand your ministry while you work to develop new leaders in your church. If you feel confident you can train and resource your hosts, this model can help make space for everyone in your church to find their place in a small group.
Description: Organic small groups are a reaction to rigid small group models in favor of creating community more naturally. Group leaders primarily focus on creating circumstances where relationships can form—dinners, game nights, cookouts, etc.—rather than facilitating conversation, going through curriculum, or meeting particular discipleship goals. While groups are largely unstructured, organic groups seek to create Christian community in ways that make sense to the leaders and their group members.
Is this for my church?
Many churches that utilize organic groups minister in contexts where “traditional” church models commonly fail. If your groups model is not working and you want to remove the pressure from your small groups, you may want to consider this model. It is also a model worth trying if you are a young church that hasn’t yet identified or developed any leaders. Alternatively, you might consider groups hosting an organic meet-up once a month or quarter to create space for friendships to form while maintaining some traditional structure.
Description: Support groups exist to give hope and healing to people in your church. Whether they cater to people with substance abuse, focus on breaking patterns of habitual sin, or help those with mental health issues, support groups meet specific needs with the love of Christ. Because of their focus, support group leaders and ministers are often highly trained and experienced in psychology, counseling, and recovery.
Is this for my church?
While this model is not a solution for churches looking to get everyone in a group, it is a great way to offer true hope and healing to your community. If you want to serve those with addictions, trauma, and mental health issues in your community, support groups may be a good option for your church.
Description: Cell groups move the life of the church from a church building and into smaller units of five to fifteen people. While all the cells operate under centralized leadership and gather for corporate worship, each cell functions like a microcosm of the larger church spending their time in worship, edification, personal discipleship, and evangelism. As a result, some cell groups are mistaken for house churches. Just like biological cells, cell groups grow and multiply organically, transferring church DNA from group to group.
Is this for my church?
Cell groups are a good solution for churches looking to shift from a small group program to a communal rhythm of life. Every member is charged with embodying the life and mission of the church, encouraging growth much like we see in new church plants. Because cell groups often function as decentralized churches, they can be a huge benefit to congregations in post-Christian cultures.
Description: House churches are similar to cell groups in that the small group is the basic unit of the church. However, house churches move one step further, making each cell an independent church. While some house churches may organize under common elders and gather for corporate worship, the pastoral responsibilities all fall to the house church leader. As a result, the larger church often functions as more of a network than a singular body.
Is this for my church?
In cities and situations where the cost of buildings, staff, and events are too high for a church, it may make sense to employ this model. Rather than building a centralized organization, elders can focus on coaching and supporting pastors as they lead and multiply churches. House churches have also proven to be an effective means of evangelism and church growth in post-Christian contexts.
Description: Affinity groups are transformative, turning simple interest groups into spiritual communities. Rather than being organized around life stage or location, affinity groups assume that people prefer choice when it comes to community. Members can connect with groups based on interests or hobbies and build relationships with those who share their affinities. Groups grow and shrink depending on interest, allowing for flexibility and creativity in group creation.
Is this for my church?
Affinity groups are an excellent option for churches who aren’t looking for small groups to be their primary method of discipleship but want to increase the connection within their church. If done with intentionality, affinity groups can give members a vision for how their gifts can build the church and contribute to God’s kingdom work.
Description: Open groups provide space for visitors, new members, and guests to be welcomed into the life of the church. These groups are highly evangelistic, often praying over the “empty chairs” and for those who will one day fill them. There is no restriction to how many people can join an open group, though some churches do “close” groups once they have reached about ten to fifteen members. Once they reach about fifteen members, open groups are encouraged to multiply to make more space for prospective members.
Is this for my church?
Open groups are a great solution for a variety of issues in a small group ministry. If your church is growing faster than you can create new groups, open groups can make a place for everyone. If you church feels insular and you want members to focus outward, open groups can inspire evangelism and outreach. If the non-Christians in your community are unlikely to visit your church, open groups provide a low-commitment, accessible “front door” for them to encounter Christ.
Description: Closed small groups are made up of a limited number of individuals (typically around eight to twelve) who focus on building deep friendship, trust, and accountability with one another. As a result, closed groups tend to create communities of honesty, trust, and meaningful care.
Is this for my church?
Closed small groups provide powerful solutions to the problems of disconnection and surface-level discipleship. Churches looking to create a deeply-rooted, committed community would benefit from this model. Even churches in transient communities—like military bases or college towns—can greatly benefit from closed groups. Though members will only be in your church for a short time, they were fully known and cared for while in your congregation.
Description: Cell groups move the life of the church from a church building and into smaller units of five to fifteen people. While all the cells operate under centralized leadership and gather for corporate worship, each cell functions like a microcosm of the larger church spending their time in worship, edification, personal discipleship, and evangelism. As a result, some cell groups are mistaken for house churches. Just like biological cells, cell groups grow and multiply organically, transferring church DNA from group to group.
Is this for my church?
Cell groups are a good solution for churches looking to shift from a small group program to a communal rhythm of life. Every member is charged with embodying the life and mission of the church, encouraging growth much like we see in new church plants. Because cell groups often function as decentralized churches, they can be a huge benefit to congregations in post-Christian cultures.
Description: House churches are similar to cell groups in that the small group is the basic unit of the church. However, house churches move one step further, making each cell an independent church. While some house churches may organize under common elders and gather for corporate worship, the pastoral responsibilities all fall to the house church leader. As a result, the larger church often functions as more of a network than a singular body.
Is this for my church?
In cities and situations where the cost of buildings, staff, and events are too high for a church, it may make sense to employ this model. Rather than building a centralized organization, elders can focus on coaching and supporting pastors as they lead and multiply churches. House churches have also proven to be an effective means of evangelism and church growth in post-Christian contexts.
Description: Affinity groups are transformative, turning simple interest groups into spiritual communities. Rather than being organized around life stage or location, affinity groups assume that people prefer choice when it comes to community. Members can connect with groups based on interests or hobbies and build relationships with those who share their affinities. Groups grow and shrink depending on interest, allowing for flexibility and creativity in group creation.
Is this for my church?
Affinity groups are an excellent option for churches who aren’t looking for small groups to be their primary method of discipleship but want to increase the connection within their church. If done with intentionality, affinity groups can give members a vision for how their gifts can build the church and contribute to God’s kingdom work.
Description: Neighborhood groups are built on the idea that the strongest community is built through sharing ordinary life with others in close proximity. By forming groups based around geography, this model makes it easy for group members to spend spontaneous time together outside of the formal group time. In addition, neighborhood groups focus a group’s outreach to their locale and galvanize them to meet those needs alongside their neighbors.
Is this for my church?
If many of your members commute to church and find it difficult to connect with other members, if you want to help your members to take more responsibility for outreach to their spheres of influence, or if you want to foster casual and spontaneous Christian community, this model may be right for you. When your members understand the heart behind this model, it can be an exciting way to foster community.
Description: Missional groups intentionally focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. Each group is strategically placed to reach and love the lost by evangelizing a specific group of people or to serving a particular need in their community. The goal of each individual group can either be decided by the group or dictated by the church to fulfill its mission and vision.
Is this for my church?
If you are in a largely non-Christian context, missional groups are a great way to demonstrate the love of Christ to your community. Maybe your church wants to serve and build relationships with local refugee or immigrant populations. Maybe you want to prioritize evangelism to spread the gospel across your city. Maybe the youth in your city need Christian role models, options for after-school care, and tutoring. Your groups can meet the spiritual and physical needs of your community.
Description: Sunday classes or Sunday school is a traditional model of groups that primarily focus on teaching or Bible study. Groups meet on Sunday before or after the Sunday service on the church campus to walk through books of the Bible, topical studies, or life-stage-specific content. Classes can vary in length but typically last a semester or year. Churches that use this model either divide the congregation into classes by life stage or offer a catalog of classes and allow members to pick their Sunday class.
Is this for my church?
If you want to increase the biblical and theological literacy of your congregation and make meeting together easy, Sunday classes can be an excellent model to adopt. Since your congregation has already blocked off Sunday mornings for church, you can also use that time and meeting space to help your people grow in wisdom and knowledge of God.
Description: Table discussions are a more informal, welcoming model for groups. Typically, this model works in tandem with church events—men’s or women’s Bible studies, a lunch for young mothers, etc.—where a large group listens to a teacher, then divides into tables where a leader facilitates conversation. Tables can be assigned or open, making this model a good “front door” to the church.
Is this for my church?
If you are looking for an easy way to introduce your church to small groups or simply want to integrate small groups into your existing ministry events, table discussion is an excellent model to adopt. Splitting large groups into tables will help your members build friendships and have spiritual conversations with others.
Description: Host groups are primarily defined by the way they are led. Hosts are not responsible for the spiritual development of their group. Rather, a host simply facilitates the group meeting by providing a meeting space and working through predetermined curriculum. Some churches will work to train hosts into spiritual leaders of their groups, but leadership ability is not as important as willingness when it comes to finding hosts.
Is this for my church?
Many growing churches find that they cannot start groups fast enough. The host group model can allow your church to expand your ministry while you work to develop new leaders in your church. If you feel confident you can train and resource your hosts, this model can help make space for everyone in your church to find their place in a small group.
Description: Organic small groups are a reaction to rigid small group models in favor of creating community more naturally. Group leaders primarily focus on creating circumstances where relationships can form—dinners, game nights, cookouts, etc.—rather than facilitating conversation, going through curriculum, or meeting particular discipleship goals. While groups are largely unstructured, organic groups seek to create Christian community in ways that make sense to the leaders and their group members.
Is this for my church?
Many churches that utilize organic groups minister in contexts where “traditional” church models commonly fail. If your groups model is not working and you want to remove the pressure from your small groups, you may want to consider this model. It is also a model worth trying if you are a young church that hasn’t yet identified or developed any leaders. Alternatively, you might consider groups hosting an organic meet-up once a month or quarter to create space for friendships to form while maintaining some traditional structure.
Description: Support groups exist to give hope and healing to people in your church. Whether they cater to people with substance abuse, focus on breaking patterns of habitual sin, or help those with mental health issues, support groups meet specific needs with the love of Christ. Because of their focus, support group leaders and ministers are often highly trained and experienced in psychology, counseling, and recovery.
Is this for my church?
While this model is not a solution for churches looking to get everyone in a group, it is a great way to offer true hope and healing to your community. If you want to serve those with addictions, trauma, and mental health issues in your community, support groups may be a good option for your church.
Description: Open groups provide space for visitors, new members, and guests to be welcomed into the life of the church. These groups are highly evangelistic, often praying over the “empty chairs” and for those who will one day fill them. There is no restriction to how many people can join an open group, though some churches do “close” groups once they have reached about ten to fifteen members. Once they reach about fifteen members, open groups are encouraged to multiply to make more space for prospective members.
Is this for my church?
Open groups are a great solution for a variety of issues in a small group ministry. If your church is growing faster than you can create new groups, open groups can make a place for everyone. If you church feels insular and you want members to focus outward, open groups can inspire evangelism and outreach. If the non-Christians in your community are unlikely to visit your church, open groups provide a low-commitment, accessible “front door” for them to encounter Christ.
Description: Closed small groups are made up of a limited number of individuals (typically around eight to twelve) who focus on building deep friendship, trust, and accountability with one another. As a result, closed groups tend to create communities of honesty, trust, and meaningful care.
Is this for my church?
Closed small groups provide powerful solutions to the problems of disconnection and surface-level discipleship. Churches looking to create a deeply-rooted, committed community would benefit from this model. Even churches in transient communities—like military bases or college towns—can greatly benefit from closed groups. Though members will only be in your church for a short time, they were fully known and cared for while in your congregation.
Description: Cell groups move the life of the church from a church building and into smaller units of five to fifteen people. While all the cells operate under centralized leadership and gather for corporate worship, each cell functions like a microcosm of the larger church spending their time in worship, edification, personal discipleship, and evangelism. As a result, some cell groups are mistaken for house churches. Just like biological cells, cell groups grow and multiply organically, transferring church DNA from group to group.
Is this for my church?
Cell groups are a good solution for churches looking to shift from a small group program to a communal rhythm of life. Every member is charged with embodying the life and mission of the church, encouraging growth much like we see in new church plants. Because cell groups often function as decentralized churches, they can be a huge benefit to congregations in post-Christian cultures.
Description: House churches are similar to cell groups in that the small group is the basic unit of the church. However, house churches move one step further, making each cell an independent church. While some house churches may organize under common elders and gather for corporate worship, the pastoral responsibilities all fall to the house church leader. As a result, the larger church often functions as more of a network than a singular body.
Is this for my church?
In cities and situations where the cost of buildings, staff, and events are too high for a church, it may make sense to employ this model. Rather than building a centralized organization, elders can focus on coaching and supporting pastors as they lead and multiply churches. House churches have also proven to be an effective means of evangelism and church growth in post-Christian contexts.
Description: Affinity groups are transformative, turning simple interest groups into spiritual communities. Rather than being organized around life stage or location, affinity groups assume that people prefer choice when it comes to community. Members can connect with groups based on interests or hobbies and build relationships with those who share their affinities. Groups grow and shrink depending on interest, allowing for flexibility and creativity in group creation.
Is this for my church?
Affinity groups are an excellent option for churches who aren’t looking for small groups to be their primary method of discipleship but want to increase the connection within their church. If done with intentionality, affinity groups can give members a vision for how their gifts can build the church and contribute to God’s kingdom work.
There are many reasons you might consider asking groups to meet in your church meeting space. Beyond the fact that your model may require it (Sunday Classes or Table Discussions, for example) your church is likely a convenient central location. In addition, if you have a larger facility, you likely have plenty of space for your group to sit and talk. If your church is centrally located and groups might struggle to find an adequate meeting space, you could offer your space to groups throughout the week. You may even consider offering childcare for small groups to help young families who want to be in a group but struggle to find care for their kids.
Welcoming a small group into your home fosters deep connection and group intimacy. If you want to increase the connection of your groups or foster a familial feeling in your group ministry, you might ask groups to meet in homes. Your leaders don’t necessarily have to host the group. It might make sense for you to divide hosting and leading responsibilities.
There are some people who cannot meet in public places, like those with mobility or medical issues. Online groups may not be an option for your whole congregation but are an excellent solution to this specific problem. If you have a population of house-bound congregants, you can investigate how technology could expand your community to those who often need it the most. Apps like Zoom, Skype, Facetime, or the Watch Together feature on RightNow Media are easy to use, and often free.
Your Big Hope statement may lead you to ask groups to get out of their living room and into your community. Meeting in coffee shops, parks, or other public spaces can be a strategic decision to help your groups live on mission. If you want your groups to be outwardly focused, this may be a good option to consider.
Description: Neighborhood groups are built on the idea that the strongest community is built through sharing ordinary life with others in close proximity. By forming groups based around geography, this model makes it easy for group members to spend spontaneous time together outside of the formal group time. In addition, neighborhood groups focus a group’s outreach to their locale and galvanize them to meet those needs alongside their neighbors.
Is this for my church?
If many of your members commute to church and find it difficult to connect with other members, if you want to help your members to take more responsibility for outreach to their spheres of influence, or if you want to foster casual and spontaneous Christian community, this model may be right for you. When your members understand the heart behind this model, it can be an exciting way to foster community.
Description: Missional groups intentionally focus on fulfilling the Great Commission. Each group is strategically placed to reach and love the lost by evangelizing a specific group of people or to serving a particular need in their community. The goal of each individual group can either be decided by the group or dictated by the church to fulfill its mission and vision.
Is this for my church?
If you are in a largely non-Christian context, missional groups are a great way to demonstrate the love of Christ to your community. Maybe your church wants to serve and build relationships with local refugee or immigrant populations. Maybe you want to prioritize evangelism to spread the gospel across your city. Maybe the youth in your city need Christian role models, options for after-school care, and tutoring. Your groups can meet the spiritual and physical needs of your community.
Description: Sunday classes or Sunday school is a traditional model of groups that primarily focus on teaching or Bible study. Groups meet on Sunday before or after the Sunday service on the church campus to walk through books of the Bible, topical studies, or life-stage-specific content. Classes can vary in length but typically last a semester or year. Churches that use this model either divide the congregation into classes by life stage or offer a catalog of classes and allow members to pick their Sunday class.
Is this for my church?
If you want to increase the biblical and theological literacy of your congregation and make meeting together easy, Sunday classes can be an excellent model to adopt. Since your congregation has already blocked off Sunday mornings for church, you can also use that time and meeting space to help your people grow in wisdom and knowledge of God.
Description: Table discussions are a more informal, welcoming model for groups. Typically, this model works in tandem with church events—men’s or women’s Bible studies, a lunch for young mothers, etc.—where a large group listens to a teacher, then divides into tables where a leader facilitates conversation. Tables can be assigned or open, making this model a good “front door” to the church.
Is this for my church?
If you are looking for an easy way to introduce your church to small groups or simply want to integrate small groups into your existing ministry events, table discussion is an excellent model to adopt. Splitting large groups into tables will help your members build friendships and have spiritual conversations with others.
Description: Host groups are primarily defined by the way they are led. Hosts are not responsible for the spiritual development of their group. Rather, a host simply facilitates the group meeting by providing a meeting space and working through predetermined curriculum. Some churches will work to train hosts into spiritual leaders of their groups, but leadership ability is not as important as willingness when it comes to finding hosts.
Is this for my church?
Many growing churches find that they cannot start groups fast enough. The host group model can allow your church to expand your ministry while you work to develop new leaders in your church. If you feel confident you can train and resource your hosts, this model can help make space for everyone in your church to find their place in a small group.
Description: Organic small groups are a reaction to rigid small group models in favor of creating community more naturally. Group leaders primarily focus on creating circumstances where relationships can form—dinners, game nights, cookouts, etc.—rather than facilitating conversation, going through curriculum, or meeting particular discipleship goals. While groups are largely unstructured, organic groups seek to create Christian community in ways that make sense to the leaders and their group members.
Is this for my church?
Many churches that utilize organic groups minister in contexts where “traditional” church models commonly fail. If your groups model is not working and you want to remove the pressure from your small groups, you may want to consider this model. It is also a model worth trying if you are a young church that hasn’t yet identified or developed any leaders. Alternatively, you might consider groups hosting an organic meet-up once a month or quarter to create space for friendships to form while maintaining some traditional structure.
Description: Support groups exist to give hope and healing to people in your church. Whether they cater to people with substance abuse, focus on breaking patterns of habitual sin, or help those with mental health issues, support groups meet specific needs with the love of Christ. Because of their focus, support group leaders and ministers are often highly trained and experienced in psychology, counseling, and recovery.
Is this for my church?
While this model is not a solution for churches looking to get everyone in a group, it is a great way to offer true hope and healing to your community. If you want to serve those with addictions, trauma, and mental health issues in your community, support groups may be a good option for your church.
Description: In-house curriculum is a robust guide or Bible study created by a church to address contextual issues and specific missional goals. The curriculum can cover a book of the Bible, a topic (i.e. generosity, evangelism, etc.), a specific season of life, or content to help new groups get started.
Would this work for my groups?
In-house curriculum is not a sustainable equipping model for most churches. However, there are many situations where creating a curriculum is ideal for small groups. For example, you may create a year-long study for newlyweds, a six-week curriculum for new small groups to establish culture and vision, or a semester-long topical study to help redefine your church’s cultural values. If you have a specific need for curriculum—wanting to instill particular language or cultural practices unique to your church—that a mass-produced curriculum doesn’t address, it could be worth considering an in-house curriculum for your groups, even if only for limited use.
Description: Published curricula are professionally written studies or books that either the church or group members buy. They are often developed by well-known pastors, Christian celebrities, or denominations.
Would this work for my groups?
Creating curriculum or discussion questions for small groups is time-consuming. For church leaders who lack the margin to create resources or who know of excellent published resources, buying a book or study could be an ideal strategy for equipping your groups.
Description: RightNow Media provides a wide variety of video studies and high-quality discussion guides. Leaders can browse resources to find the right study, devotional, or discipleship pathway for their groups or offer a personalized library of resources for their groups to choose from.
Would this work for my groups?
If you are reading this, it is likely you already have RightNow Media. It may even be your preferred equipping solution. But, if not, consider how RightNow Media could help you in a variety of special use cases: church members who cannot meet with a group can connect with the Watch Together and Groups features, children’s shows and youth studies can equip the groups in your children’s ministry, and highlighting specific studies in your church’s library can address specific pastoral care cases, topics relevant to your church’s mission and vision, and leadership development.
Description: Rather than focus on content, groups focus on evangelism or service in the community. While groups won’t go through a curriculum, they will need a plan and strategic vision for their service. Each group fits into the church’s larger vision, mission, and strategy—all of which you will need to clearly communicate.
Would this work for my groups?
If you want your people to be active agents of Christ in your community, this may be a great activity for your groups. Some churches mix missional activity with other equipping content, asking groups to go and serve or evangelize once or twice a month.
Description: Rather than focus on content, groups focus on one another. While you can give group leaders specific objectives for building fellowship and accountability, groups are given the space to meet those objectives organically.
Would this work for my groups?
The primary goal of relationship-focused groups is connection. In contexts where it is difficult to make friends (especially Christian friends), a church where congregants are not spending time with one another, or a young church with lots of new members, pastors may find that putting relationships first is a helpful way forward. Even if temporary, a relational-focused group can remind people of the deep friendships available in the family of God.